Software Quality Assurance Consulting

Some people look at the latest new thing and see how cool it is. I look at the latest cool thing and think of tweaks that would make it even better. I am by no means a negative person, but I do have a tendency to notice the ways a thing could be improved upon at least as much as the ways in which it can be used. I mentally make grammatical improvements as I read, see the seams where the wallpaper doesn’t quite line up, and often have to restrain myself from correcting the inexact words most people (including I) use to communicate. I play piano and guitar as a hobby, but I have never been good at playing through my mistakes; I always feel compelled to go back and correct them.

And when I review a list of software requirements, I almost always identify something that is missing, ambiguous, contradictory, or otherwise unclear. My favorite time to find a bug is before it has been coded.

This aspect of my personality makes me a natural-born software quality assurance engineer. Combine that with my decades of experience developing test plans and test data, executing test procedures, leading testing teams, analyzing test results, and designing and developing manual and automated tests on a variety of software categories (communication, file conversion, data synchronization, chemical analysis) and platforms (Windows, Macintosh, mobile devices, web browsers, specialty devices), and you have someone who can always identify ways to make software better, no matter how good it already is.

I am currently engaged in a full-time software QA project, but I am always interested in hearing about new opportunities. You can view my profile on LinkedIn or receive my resume via e-mail by clicking the links below.